P.D.S. sufferers, there may be help for you, yet. (UPDATED)

Heh.  Michelle Malkin has some updates on the Us Weekly stunt this month where they featured Sarah Palin in such an unflattering manner on the cover with the headline of “Babies, Lies & Scandal.” 

Her first post talked of a boycott against Us Weekly and points to a new website dedicated specifically to that purpose. 

Her second post notes Us Weekly imploring people sending cancellation notices to stay.

From: USWcustserv@cdsfulfillment.com


Date: September 5, 2008 6:43:21 AM PDT
To: xxx

Thank you for contacting US Weekly.

We apologize you are upset over our cover featuring Sarah Palin. Every week our editors select what they feel are the most compelling stories, regardless of the controversy it may create. In all fairness, we ask you please take the time to read the story before deciding to cancel. After reading should you still wish to cancel, please let us know and we will honor your request.

Thank you,
US Weekly

Case id: 6361254
KMM tracking number: KMM23206123I103L0KM

I’m wondering like one of Michelle’s readers, bedje. 

I wonder if you could be in favor of cancelling a subscription before you were in favor of getting a subscription?

I was listening to Sean Hannity’s radio show today and he indicates that the cancellation numbers for Us Weekly are climbing and climbing.  I wonder just how high that number will get.


Others posting on the Us Weekly fiasco:  Thoughts of a Conservative Christian, The College Politico (#1)College Politico (#2), NeoConstant, Big Mouth Frog, HotAir, American Eyebrow,


H/T to Michelle Malkin for the link to AllahPundit over at HotAir for this video of Megyn Kelly of FNC taking Us Weekly to task over their smear job of Sarah Palin with the 9/2/08 cover story, “Babies, Lies & Scandal.”

Heh!  I agree with Allah that it is “not really an interview so much as a cross-examination.” 


Michelle Malkin’s syndicated column, “The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse“, is out and it offers some insight into P.D.S. and how those afflicted with it on the left might be able to overcome this dibilitating affliction.

So, what are the stages?  It is “infantilization”, “sexualization”, demonization” and “dehumanization.”  Check out Michelle’s column, if you want to know how the stages break down.

Want to see some of the stages manifest themselves in print, check out how the gossip rag Us Magazine treats Gov. Sarah palin this month versus how they treated Barack Obama in June.  Michelle has the breakdown on it for you.


So, does Obama have an inside person at Us?  So it would appear.  Jann Wenner is the publisher of Us MagazineSteve Hayes has more it over at the Weekly Standard.  And, as it turns out, Wenner is also the publisgher of Rolling StoneYou know?  The magazine that deified Obama in March of this year.

Yeah.  That Rolling Stone with the same publisher as Us Magazine.

Have no fear, P.D.S. rages on with a little liberal fuzzy math being one of the more recent examples.

Maybe some of the leftists will take heed of Michelle’s groundbreaking identification of the four stages and seek help for themselves but, somehow, I doubt it.  What is the saying – “You can lead a horse jackass to water but you can’t make it drink?”  😉


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